26 Dec Is Guerrilla Marketing Or Buzz Marketing Really Better? You Decide
Introduction to Guerrilla Marketing
Guerrilla Marketing is all about executing unusual and unexpected marketing activities in a common or everyday place to generate a buzz about a certain product or service. It helps you get the name of your business out to as many people as possible. Lots of small businesses are using Guerrilla Marketing because it’s cheap and it lets you attract a highly targeted audience. It could be something simple like putting a posture or an artwork out on the street about your business. Or you can promote your product or service in an on-going event or a concert without seeking permission from the event sponsors.
Introduction to Buzz Marketing
Buzz Marketing as the name suggests is about generating a buzz or getting people to start a conversation about your brand. This buzz could be initiated through blogs, emails, or even by spreading the word at a party. Most brands start their Buzz Marketing campaigns with brand ambassadors. If a celebrity is endorsing a certain brand, everyone will talk about it. Once there is a buzz about it, people are likely to make a purchase. It’s a highly effective strategy for spreading the word about a new product or service. Both large and small companies employ Buzz Marketing campaigns. Cars, technology, movies, fashion, beverages, cosmetics – these are some of the industries that employ Buzz Marketing.
Guerrilla Marketing vs. Buzz Marketing
Guerrilla Marketing uses a combination of unconventional and nontraditional methods to attract a user’s attention. The goal is to basically get the attention of the user and expose him to the brand. It is hoped that whenever a user sees a sign or a posture, he immediately calls his friends to come and see it. It could be anything unique, strange or even bizarre. Guerrilla Marketing however does not begin online or with something digital. Although it costs less, in some cases the expense could be higher than buzz techniques. For instance, some Guerrilla Marketing tactics require more people which means you have to incur a higher labor cost. Buzz Marketing on the other hand is simple. You could write a few lines about your product, put it on social media and boom, it becomes viral.
Which one’s best?
Wondering which one is better? That’s a tough question to answer. You can always integrate both the marketing strategies, leverage their power and create a memorable impact on your audience. For instance, instead of just performing a flash mob, why not film that flash mob and share the video on social media? That would get you more followers than you could have imagined.
Long story short, both these marketing techniques have their own charm to different brands but together, they can maximize your reach. Guerrilla Marketing could be used as a beauty of creating buzz on the ground for capturing the attention of your audience in a target area. With Buzz Marketing, you can let people talk more about your product/service on social media. These two strategies are perfect if you want to create brand awareness or engagement but they are not that famous for generating sales. You might have to put a little extra effort for that.
Strategies for Guerrilla Marketing and Buzz Marketing
Guerrilla Marketing strategies will lead to incredible buzz if you do it right. Here are just a few things you can do to for your Guerrilla Marketing efforts.
1. Blog about a specific niche
2. Hold webinars on a particular product or service
3. Create a podcast to talk about interesting topics in a specific niche, and interview influencers
4. Create a Newsletter
5. Use Landing Pages to build a strong email list
6. Make compelling videos that attract a larger audience
These are just a few things you can do to begin to build your Guerrilla Marketing presences online, which will lead to the buzz, and word of mouth you’ve always wanted for your business and brand.
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